Monday, March 28, 2011


Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship.  You need to trust the other person.  What is there besides trust?  If you don't trust each other, how are you supposed to love each other?

I will admit - I have lied before.  But honestly, who hasn't?  I would be amazed to meet someone who has not told one lie.  I have lied about homework, being sick, parties, etc.  Mostly to my parents, sometimes to my sister, and occasionally to teachers.

There is one person I will never lie to.  That would be my boyfriend.  To me, a boyfriend is extremely important.  I need to always tell the truth to him.  It is someone who I could potentially be with forever.  I can't start it off by lying.

Okay, I have lied to my boyfriend once.  Once!!!  Do you know what happened the next day?  I blurted out the truth, said everything necessary, and apologized for the lie.  He laughed, it wasn't even anything important.  It was just something I didn't want to get into at that point, you know?

But I can't even lie about Christmas or birthday presents!  If he asks what it is, I will say yes.  Just tell him like that!

I have seen people in relationships who lie.  A lot.  How can you be with that person if you're lying?  Why don't you find someone else who understands you more, who you can be honest with?  Wouldn't you like a relationship with someone like that instead of someone who you can't be honest with?  A break up sucks when you care about the person, of course.  But it is sometimes necessary.  Sometimes you need to grow.  Sometimes your partner needs to grow.  Letting go of someone who you can't be your complete self around is often the best idea.

When I see someone lying to their partner, I really wonder about them.  Lying is a big deal.

As I've said before, it is all about trust.  You need to prove that you can be trusted.  You need to trust your partner.  Trust is the first step!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Website: StumbleUpon

This is an awesome site; great to waste time on!  Check it out at:

If you sign up, you can choose your interests and basically you get articles on the web related to your interests when you click 'stumble'.  Then you can say what you like and dislike so they will give you more sites that interest you.

One of my interests was cats.  I got so many adorable cat pictures.  I definitely enjoyed that.  Maybe you don't like cats though - but that's okay because you don't have to select cats as your interest!  I also put baking and cooking as an interest.  I got some great recipes.  There are tons of things you can choose depending on your interests.  Gardening, horses, relationships, alcohol, fashion, business - tons of choices!

There is so much information and fun activities and cool pictures on this website and I really love how you can search by your interests instead of getting stuff you don't like.  Once you have been on it for a while, you will start getting things that are really in your area of interest.

It is a lot of fun and a site that I would highly recommend to anyone!

Friday, March 18, 2011

I've Been Away :(

So ... I have been away ... I have missed almost two weeks!  I try to post regularly on Mondays but I completely missed it this Monday!

An update on what's been going on in my life
  • I've gotten extra shifts at work which is great because it means more money!
  • School has decided to give me lots of assignments recently
  • I had an interview for a three week work placement (which went really well! and I hope I get!)
  • I competed in my school's Skills Competition (I will find out in two weeks if I won - I think I did!)
  • I've been house hunting as I move out at the end of April
So essentially - I've been busy.  I would love to say that the weekend will be a break but I'm working tomorrow morning and afternoon.  Then going house hunting in the late afternoon and early evening.  Then going to a huge party that night.  Then after the party, I'm going to an after hours club with my boyfriend.  So I don't expect to be home until Monday morning anyway.  It will be exhausting!  But fun!!!!

I will have another post for Monday - promise! :)  I have some good ideas - just have to get them typed up!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Is Education Necessary For Success?

Is it?  That's a question many people wonder.

I know so many people who go from high school to college or university just because they feel that's the "right thing to do".  Just because "that's how you get a job".  They go through college or university, not necessarily in something they enjoy, and then have no clue what they want to do when they graduate.  I have just seen that happen to a lot of people and I'm not sure if that's the right way to go about it.

There are some jobs where you don't need an education.  Some jobs that you may be good at.  But a lot of jobs still require education.

I think the right way to look at it, when you're in high school, is to see what job you want to do.  Then figure out the education path from there.  Do you want to be a doctor?  Well then, determine the education you need from there.  Doctors can't start work as a doctor without education.  Do you want to be an accountant?  Figure out what you need to learn and then go from there.  Do you really need six years of education or is two or three all you really need?  Do you need the theory behind it or is the practical part that you really need?

Sometimes people will go to school for years and years then find out they only needed school for a couple years.  Frustrating?  I'm sure it is.

Don't just go to school for the sake of going to school.  Figure out what you want to do first.  If you don't know right away, try doing some work and then perhaps taking some part time courses to find out what exactly you're interested in.  Diving into something when it isn't what you want?  I wouldn't recommend it.  Researching, getting experience, then doing some schooling?  Definitely what I'd recommend.

I definitely feel like I have wasted some of my life doing school that I just don't need.  I am a bit tempted to just do some more schooling but I don't think that's the right idea.  I'm not sure what I want to do.  Going to school for something that I am unsure of is not what I should spend my time doing.

Instead of being pressured by parents and teachers or just thinking you have to do one thing specifically, step back and take a look at everything.  What do you really need?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

February 2011's Best Songs

1. Rihanna - S & M
This song definitely has a great beat!  Rihanna always has unique songs.  They don't always go with what's popular.  And this is another one of those.  I love her voice too!  She is so different, in a positive way!

2. Katy Perry - E.T. ft. Kanye West
Fun song.  I am really into the chorus, that's what struck my interest.  Although the whole song is good - of course!

3. Lucenzo - Vem Dancar Kuduro - ft. Big Ali
Another great dancing song.  I hear it and I just want to get up and dance and have fun!  Woot!  It's one of those songs you juts can't sit still around!  You have to move to it!

4. Lady Gaga - Born This Way
I'm a Lady Gaga fan.  She is crazy, but her songs are always pretty amazing.  This probably isn't my favourite song but it's definitely a good one!

5. Deadmau5 - Sofi Needs A Ladder
Definitely one of my top songs.  I love dancing to this song too!  Deadmau5 always comes out with amazing songs.  He's probably one of my favourites.