Monday, February 20, 2012

How To Ride An Escalator

There are basic escalator rules that people should follow.  Always!  Not just sometimes ... Always!

1. If you are standing on the escalator, you stand to the right.
2. If you are walking up/down the escalator, you walk to the left.
3. You do not back up on the escalator.
4. You get off the escalator as efficiently as possible.
5. You walk away as soon as you are off the escalator (no standing at the top/bottom, there are people behind you!).

I don't understand how people cannot follow these rules!  Yes, most people do!  But then you get the annoying guy who is chilling out on the left side blocking everyone's way.  And that girl who is talking on her phone who just stops when she gets to the top of the escalator and people have to push and shove to get around her.

Basic escalator rules are all just common courtesy.

Help escalators run more efficiently!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Being Confident

I guess I like to say I'm confident.  But I'm not really.  I get nervous in front of almost everyone.  I am scared to stand up for myself.  I never think that I "deserve" things or even have "earned" things.  Mostly I'm just talking about work and social situations.  But those are two really important things.

I just won't put myself out there.  I never have, I hope I will be able to sometimes.  I'm just scared to really say what I think.  I don't want to offend people.  So I have to overthink whatever I want to say.  And by the time I have prepared a sentence of some sort, the conversation is over and I haven't participated.  The most I really do in conversations is laugh or say "hmmm" or "cool" or "that sucks" or "yeahhh okay".  Absolutely nothing of value.

Two person conversations are not much better!  I completely miss "implied" things in conversations, mostly jokes.  It is always so awkward when the other person is laughing and I'm wondering what's going on.  Then I think about what was said and get it, but then it makes me look slow!

I plan conversations in my head before I have them.  If I have to talk to someone (at work, at a party, at the store, anywhere), I have to think out all possible scenarios before I can say anything.  And if they surprise me by saying something completely different - uh oh!!  I have had way too many imaginary conversations.

And with the whole work thing ... I had the opportunity to apply for an amazing position.  Did I do it?  No, I was too scared to.  It would have been perfect for me, exactly what I wanted!!  But I just couldn't do it!  Now I'm feeling terrible because another opportunity like that may not come around for a few years.  Maybe more.

I guess this is more of a rant thing.  I really need to get this under control, but I'm scared to start!

I should probably take things step by step.  And I have to actually try.  Instead of just hiding and pretending this issue doesn't exist.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Gary Yourofsky: Best Speech You Will Ever Hear

Before you say "ahhh boring speech", I have to tell you ... that's what I thought before I watched this.  My boyfriend wanted me to watch it.  I was like, fine, we have some time, might as well see how it goes.  It was so amazing that it was done before I knew it.  The first part isn't the greatest but it keeps getting better and better and better!

There are some graphic scenes (two of them ... he will warn you and switch to a video) which I fast forwarded through.  Well the second one, we watched a tiny bit of it and I started crying so we fast forwarded through that one too.

It is about vegetarianism, animal cruelty, etc.  It is so hard to review.  The video is just something that you need to watch to fully understand!  The video is below but you can also go to this link: