Monday, December 12, 2011

Living With Parents

How long do you think it is still 'okay' to live with parents?  Obviously, yes, it is different from person to person.  But what do you think makes it okay to live with your parents for longer?  When is it really time to move out?

Personally, I went to university at age 17.  I lived with my parents for the two summers in between.  But I didn't live with my parents when I was at post secondary school.  I didn't live with them once I graduated either.  I was able to support myself.  Just barely, but I could do it.  I don't intend to move back in with them unless I have hit rock bottom ... Even more than I already have!

I know some people who are 25 or 26 ... Still living with their parents.  Maybe it is smart of them, they can save up lots of money.  Especially because the people that I know have full time jobs. imagine making $30,000 a year and not having to pay rent, food, and all that.  Maybe they are the smart ones after all!

I guess it depends on the person.  I need my independence.  It isn't like I hate my parents, but I do hate living with them (it was like torture!).  I like being my own adult.  They can come up and visit me, that's pretty cool, always nice to see them.  But not to live with them.  I need to be on my own.  I don't think that I should be relying on them for everything.  I need to be making my own food, cleaning my whole house, dealing with normal things (ex. mouse infestation), and making normal decisions.

Sometimes it is difficult, but I really do enjoy it.  Growing up is important.   I'd rather do it now than later.  Yeah, I have a lot more responsibilities, but I find it is a lot more fun as well.  I mean, I don't have a curfew or as many rules.  I can have my friends stay over anytime.  My boyfriend doesn't have to sleep in another room.  Heck, I'm allowed to kiss him!  I can listen to my type of music whenever I want.  I just don't want to give up these benefits!

Living on your own at a young age is, of course, a challenge.  But I think it is worthwhile to grow up and not have to rely on your parents for everything.  Personally, it is working out for me anyway.


  1. Emm.. a food for thought...I do believe that everyone should sooner or later move out from their parents house for an independent life, unless their parents are sick or have to have them for me, I'm still consider as living in my parents house, well, I've been away for studies starting 17 years old, but I do go back on holidays..even after I graduated, I think I still want to live with them, I like them so much, they're more like friends to me than a mere parents..:))

  2. Kissing your boyfriend is definitely a big benefit of living on your own! ;)

    I moved out right after college but I had some friends who lived with their parents for a few years and saved up while working full time. It worked out really well for them because they were able to buy condos. Whereas, I rented forever.

    So I see plusses and minuses on both sides.

  3. It does work for some people. For me at least, I feel like I should be responsible for myself, not living off of my parents. But I'm definitely jealous of those who can by condos/houses right away. It'll take me a long time before I can actually buy something! lol
