When I tell people I don't eat meat, it is always an interesting conversation. Most people ask me why. I tell them my reasons:
- healthier in general
- so much more food can grow if we didn't waste resources by raising animals just for meat
- it is a live animal, I don't want to eat a live animal
When I reach that last point, people become very empathetic. Many people say 'awwww I feel so bad eating this [insert meat here]'.
I don't say it to make them feel bad. I'm not even saying it to try and convince them to become a vegetarian. I'm saying it because that is my reasoning. Of course, I'd like everyone to stop eating meat, but I'm not actively trying.
I think it is in the back of their minds, when they say 'awww, I feel so bad eating turkey now'. I think they know that it is kind of wrong, to allow the animals to be tortured and killed. People don't often put two and two together. They don't really think about it. And when they are forced to think about it (when I explain why I don't eat meat), they really think about it.
Then of course you get the mean ones. The people who scoff and say 'I don't care if it was once alive, I'm eating it anyway!'. Often times, it just seems like those people are so selfish and rude. They seem to be saying 'I don't care that I have to take another life, I just get to have something tasty to eat!'. The way they say it makes me so sad. Like they have no feelings or empathy at all.
I wish that it would be taught to children, at a young age, what meat really is. We should tell them all the terrible things that happen just so they can have some chicken, or a burger, or a steak, or some fish. That things die. Children are often empathetic and care more in that way. I think that's what could really make a difference. It is hard to change your habits once you're in the habit of eating meat. I mean, I still look at meat and think it looks delicious. But I won't eat it!
But yeah, some of the holiday dinners were interesting. Many people kinda thought about the whole vegetarian thing just because I was there and said no to the meat. And then you get the heartless people who don't care at all (unfortunately my sister is one of these). I'm really happy that I'm kind of spreading awareness. My family is at least thinking about it. I'm proud of that!