Monday, May 2, 2011


PLUR - what is it?  What does it even stand for?  PLUR stands for Peace, Love, Unity, Respect.  It's the motto of ravers.  I think it should be the motto of everyone.  The motto of life.

Ever since I heard of PLUR, that's how I've been living my life.

What is peace?  Peace is when there is no fighting, no arguments, and no hostilities.  It is when people are together in harmony.  It is a lovely feeling, to be at peace.

What is love?  Love is a very strong feeling or emotion.  It is an extreme liking feeling.  It can be used as a term of endearment.  It is a great affection for someone or something.  It is an amazing feeling, to love someone, and to be loved.

What is unity?  It is being one, being completed, being together.  Unity is being united into one.  It is when you are not out for yourself, but everyone.  It is not being selfish.  It is being thoughtful and thinking of everyone.  If you are in unity with someone else, you care about his or her well being.  Being in unity as a group is caring about everyone's well being and making sure that everyone is happy and satisfied.

What is respect?  It is a positive feeling towards someone else.  It is being honest and positive towards someone.  It is regarding someone else highly or as an equal person.  It isn't thinking of someone else as "worse" than yourself.  It is courtesy.  Being respectful means being polite.  Being respected is being honoured.

Why are these things so important?

Who doesn't like being loved and respected?  Who wants to stop living selfishly and with constant fights?  You need to give out PLUR to get it.  If you don't love and respect others, if you aren't peaceful and in unity, then how can you expect it back?  If you want to start this, you have to start it with yourself.  And then show others what PLUR is.  You don't have to be a raver to know what PLUR is or to act on it.  Anyone can!  And why not start it off with you?