Monday, September 26, 2011

Lifelong Habits

Good or bad habits ... Do you have any?

I have one that may get me made fun of!  I always HAVE TO sleep with my stuffed animal bear at night.  It will take me hours longer to get to sleep if he's not there.  If I'm sleeping somewhere else for a night, I use a blanket or pillow or something to replace him because otherwise I just can't sleep.  Even when my boyfriend is over, I still need that bear!

Another bad habit is biting my nails.  If I'm stressed or worried or anxious, I will bite my nails constantly.  I try so hard not to!  But the second I stop thinking about it, I'm biting again!

I definitely have some good habits too!  Like:
- looking both ways before crossing the road
- locking the door behind me
- putting my seat belt on in the car
- washing my hands after using the toilet

What are your habits?  Good and bad?


  1. Here's the recipe for cookie brittle:
    1 cup sugar
    2 cups flour
    1 1/2 t. vanilla
    1 cup butter
    8 oz. chocolate chips
    1 t. salt

    Mix sugar, butter, vanilla and salt til creamy. Add flour one cup at a time. Then add chocolate chips.
    spread out as much as you can in a cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes. Should look nice golden brown.

    I used more chocolate chips cause I like it that way! Good luck. I hope you like it. It's nice when you don't have to worry about eggs!

  2. Thank you! I will try it out sometime! And yes ... recipes without eggs are pretty awesome! I should post my favourite recipe without eggs - chocolate haystacks, I think you'd enjoy them :)

  3. Don't feel embarrassed about your stuffy. I sleep with a hippo named Henry and I'm 39!
