Friday, July 15, 2011

How Dirty Can It Get?

My Basic Rules For The House

1. Wash your dishes when they are dirty.
2. Wipe the counter if there are spills or messes or anything.
3. Take out the garbage if it is full, smelly, dirty, or there are flies.
4. Remove food from fridge if it is old, rotten, or dirty.
5. Take out the recycling.

Does this look like a difficult list to follow?  I'm not even asking for sweeping or other things like that.  Just basic stuff.

My roommate will leave dishes in the sink for DAYS.  Even better - she piles them so much that they block the drain so if a piece of food drops down (like when I'm washing), I can't see it.  Which makes everything worse.  And I am NOT going digging around in her dirty dishes.

I emptied out the fridge today.  I saw old milk, moldy fruit, meat that was overdue in June, and yogurt that was overdue in April.  And yes, it is the end of July.  Is it right for me to throw out that food?  Some people say no - it's her food.  I say yes - it could infect my food with is dangerous.  Plus it attracts flies and it just smells bad!

She also won't take out the recycling!  She has a recycling pile in the kitchen.  Lovely, okay, whatever.  I took it out the first week she was here.  Since then (end of May), she has NOT taken it out.  She also puts like bags and stuff in the recycling.

I was also away for a couple nights.  When I come back, she left out rotten bananas on the table and the garbage was swarming with flies.  I took out the garbage asap and put the bananas outside.  I also put the garbage can outside because I do NOT want the inside staying all gross and stuff like that.  Now she just puts a bag in the place of the garbage.  Ugh!

I don't see how this is difficult to do.  Sometimes my last roommates got on my nerves but overall they were clean and tidy and respectful of one another.  Which was great!

I'm really REALLY trying to find a bachelor apartment for this year!  I need one!!!


  1. No kidding! August 15. I saw a house the other day (it is CLEAN and the landlord lives there so it should stay clean). I like them, they like me. Crossing my fingers that everything works out. If all goes well, I will move on August 15. Please please please let it work out ... :)

  2. Roomates are always a challenge..... I would totally get rid of old food in the fridge. Weird how tripping over recycling isn't a motivator especially that she's a female!
    Good luck!

  3. Lol thanks. Yeah you would think so eh. I'm so tired of cleaning up EVERYTHING but I guess it's better that I clean up everything than it just doesn't get cleaned up. Lol.
