Remember, for anything you do, make sure to give a card! You can buy a card or make a card, either one, but a card is always nice!
1. Homemade cookies or chocolate. It's my personal favourite. I probably suggest it too much but think it is just a great gift. First, it shows you put some time into it. And second, it's delicious! My favourite for Valentine's Day is just making regular chocolate chip cookies and putting red or pink dye in it.
2. If you really can't bake, a box of chocolates. It is more expensive than baking cookies but a box of chocolates is sweet as well.
3. An item of clothing. Depending on your significant other, it could be a t-shirt, a hoodie, boxers, lingerie, PJ set, belt, etc. You know your partner. You know what he or she would like the best.
4. A photograph (with a nice picture frame) or photo album of the two of you. Valentine's Day is a romantic day so you should emphasize the relationship, and each other, and something like this would do the trick!
5. A bottle of wine. Bring over some dinner too. The two of you can have a romantic night together!
6. If you want to splurge a little, get tickets. It could be to a concert, a play, a sports event, a romantic getaway. Something where the two of you can spend some time together (yes, make sure you buy two). If the tickets seem a bit much, remember that you would buy your half anyway! The event depends on his or her interests and, of course, your budget. But you can usually find something that your partner will find fun!
Remember - there are a gazillion options for you! Put a little bit of time into it and your partner will be happy! Make sure to spend some time with him or her on that day and enjoy yourself!
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