Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hey there, 2011!

Welcome to 2011 everyone! We all made it here ... I have to say that's a good thing! How did you ring in the new year? Did you make any resolutions? As for me, I had a great time at a party with some friends. And as for resolutions, I don't always make them. I mean, I always have goals for myself. New years is just a time to re-evaluate them. But in the spirit if the new year, I will list them in typical new year resolution style.

1. Lose weight. I know, typical. But I have a plan. I'll go to the gym three days a week and go swimming once a week. One of my part time jobs involves walking so I'll keep that up. I have a feeling my three day per week gym goal will go down to two, but it is a start anyway. And I will keep eating healthy. I am taking a course on healthy foods so I will put that to good use!

2. Get straight As. Not even out of reach. Actually, it is expected. I've gotten very few marks lower than an A in my time at college (I think only two marks ... Possibly three ... Under an A). For me, it is a probable goal and the same goal that I always have at the beginning of every term.

3. Find a full time job by September. I graduate in April so I'm giving myself four months to find employment. I hope to get one sooner. The thing is, if I don't find something by September, I'll probably have to move home with my parents. And, as much as I love my parents, I do not want to move back home!

4. Be a good person. You know, give money to charity and stuff like that. I've been trying to find a place to volunteer but I can't really, no one is looking for volunteers. But even ensuring that I'm doing basic things like recycling, throwing my garbage away, using less water, etc. is a good way to start, I think.

5. Be a good friend and a good girlfriend. I am almost always a good girlfriend. I'm the type of person who puts a lot into a relationship. With friends, not quite as much. I'm going to work on being a good friend. And spending time with my friends outside of school. It is hard to find time for everyone but I'm going to put away some time for my friends now!

I'm sure everyone is asking what your resolutions are. I'm asking what they are AND how you will implement them. Most of the time, they aren't magical!

Happy New Year, everyone!!


  1. Hey,
    Just stumbled on your blog. I actually just made a post about my resolutions, check it out if you have time?

  2. Thanks! I did check it out :) I will follow you!
